Posted March 1, 2006
Reading time: 1 minute
I just learned something interesting – or frightening, depending on how you look at it – from my coworkers regarding the size of India.
I know that India has ~1 billion people. Just glancing at the map, it appears to be a rather large country, but they informed me that India is roughly the size of Texas!*
Now, there are ~20 million people in the state of Texas, many of whom suffer from AHS (Ass-Hat Syndrome), so you can imagine how horribly fucked up the people of Texas would be if 1 billion people lived in that small of an area.
Holy chit, man.
- The CIA Factbook says that India is actually a little bigger than 1/3 the size of the U.S., but still… We have ~280 million people in the entire country. Can you imagine 1 billion of us squished into an area 1/3 of its current size?