Kelly ordered new shoes from Amazon
September 26, 2007
And this is how life has been ever since:
September 16, 2007
Mama kisses…
Troy reacts.*
* OK, so maybe it was just a random face he was making while squirming around, but that’s not nearly as funny.
Wasp Crackers
September 11, 2007
I was all ready to file this one under “Redundant Slurs Against White People”, until I looked at the picture.
ETA: Speaking of crackers, we’re teaching American Sign Language to Troy, hoping that it will reduce the terror of the Terrible Twos by allowing him to communicate his needs to us. We’re using the Baby Signing Time series of videos.
One of the first words they teach you is “cracker”:
Click to see a video demonstration of the word “cracker” being signed