
March 23, 2010


Conversations with a 2 year-old

December 8, 2009

Troy comes running into the room:

Troy: Daddy, where does Elmo live?

Me: He lives on Sesame Street.

Troy: Okay! (runs back out of the room)

Okay indeed.

I see you

November 10, 2009

Trent, are you hiding from the camera?


So polite

October 12, 2009

We’re potty training Troy right now. While he’s doing a great job with #1, he still needs a little work with #2, but that is neither here nor there.

The really funny thing about watching him go is when he’s all finished and he flushes the toilet. He gives the swirling water an earnest wave and yells, “Bye-bye, pee-pees, have a good day! Bye!”

Maybe he’s into that whole karma thing, and he’s trying to stave off future problems with his urinary tract? Either way, it’s hilarious, and we heartily encourage it.

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Mr. Pedantic

October 11, 2009

Troy and I were in my truck, driving to Nana and Papa’s house. We had just exited I-5 to get onto Road 102, and we were sitting at a red light. We had the following exchange:

Troy: What are you doing, Daddy?

Me: Just driving!

Troy: No you’re not; you’re waiting for the light to turn green!

Why, you little… I guess that’ll teach me to give a non-specific answer to a 2 year-old.

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The truth hurts

October 7, 2009

I am that neighbor. Days after the garbage man has come by and emptied our Toters, mine are still sitting out on the street. Even though 99% of the people in our neighborhood have put theirs away, and even though I park no more than 10 feet away from my Toters when they’re on the street, I just can’t bring myself to put them away in a timely fashion. Sometimes, the wind will knock one of them over, and I still can’t be bothered to do anything about it.

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Glad to be home

October 5, 2009

We had a great time in New England, but we’re extremely glad to be home with this little bugger again:


October 5, 2009

I don’t know why, but Trent always looks like he has just downed his twelfth cup of coffee for the day:


A sad reminder of how quickly he's growing up

July 5, 2009

I just had this conversation with Troy:

Dad: Hey, TT, …

Troy: Eeets Troy

D: Huh?

T: Not TT anymore. Eeets Troy.


Great feature article on Pedroia

April 2, 2009

Boston Magazine has a great feature article about Dustin Pedroia. It covers a lot of ground, but two points really struck me:

Firstly, he trashes Woodland:

“[Woodland]’s a dump,” says Pedroia, whose parents run a tire store on Main Street and whose family seems to occupy a position in Woodland roughly equivalent to that enjoyed by the Grimaldis in Monaco. “You can quote me on that. I don’t give a shit.” He shakes his head.

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