It's a wonderful day at Chick-Fil-A!

November 29, 2006

Chick-Fil-A has the most polite drive through attendants I have ever encountered. So much so, in fact, that I am considering going back there every day for lunch just to hear how nice my ass looks in these jeans.

Okay, that’s obviously a lie - I mean, they couldn’t possibly see how great my ass looks in these jeans because I was sitting in my truck in the drive through - but still, the politeness and courtesy of the employees was totally unexpected and a welcome change from what you’d experience at a typical McDonalds or Jack in the Box.

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Harry Potter / Simpsons trailers

November 25, 2006

In case you hadn’t heard, there’s a trailer out for the new Harry Potter flick, coming out on July 13, 2007 (click image for video):

That’s going to be a good month. The Simpsons Movie is also coming out, on July 27, 2007 (click image for video):

And, oh yeah, I think I got married or something in July. Punch and pie!


November 24, 2006

Holy crap, that was a lot of food. Between my mom, my grandma, Kelly, and her mom & grandma, we had a RIDICULOUS amount of food last night. We had pickle hors d’ ouvres, cookies, fudge, chips and dips, and popcorn balls. For dinner we had turkey, a honey baked ham, mashed potatoes, rolls, gravy, jello salad, bread and butter pickles, yams, stuffing, gigantic black olives, and green bean casserole. And for dessert, we had pumpkin bars, and, like, 6 different kinds of pie. It was ludicrous.

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Happy Turkey Day

November 22, 2006

May your stomach be gloriously full by this evening. May your midnight turkey sandwich be all that you hoped it would be. May your plumbing be able to withstand the inevitable onslaught. And, most importantly, may you enjoy your time with your loved ones, giving thanks for all that is good in your life.

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Booger Wall

November 21, 2006

I’m a fairly liberal, open-minded, and accepting person, but this something that I find absolutely repulsive.

In the men’s bathroom at work, there is a urinal where the men can pee standing up (duh). Unfortunately, someone has felt at-home enough in the urinal stall to pick his nose and wipe his boogers on the wall, directly above the urinal. When you’re trying to take a leak, these little nose nuggets are staring back at you, taunting you. “Look at me! I’m dried up snot! I dare you not to think about how nasty it is that I’m stuck on this wall!” It’s f*cking disgusting.

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Quite possibly the two greatest acceptance speeches of all time

November 20, 2006

Jack Palance, accepting his best supporting actor Oscar (click image for video):

“As far as the two handed pushups, well you can do that all night, and it doesn’t make any difference whether she’s there or not.”

Jimmy V accepting his Arthur Ashe ESPY (click image for video):

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Renegade Classics Toy Drive

November 19, 2006

As we were driving up I-5 into Woodland today, we were quite perplexed to find ourselves in a mini traffic jam. If you’re not from this area, let me tell you that traffic jams on this section of I-5 occur less frequently than donkey shows in the Vatican. As we looked around, though, we saw bunches and bunches of motorcycles, many of which had enormous toys strapped onto them. After doing a brief Google, I think it was the annual Renegade Classics Toy Drive.

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The Hometown Boofay

November 18, 2006

He’s got quite the schnoz in this shot:


Thanks, Cobbs!

November 18, 2006

Matt and Katie had us over for dinner last night. They served up a delicious dish of pork with some sort of spicy pumpkin-flavored sauce. It was very tasty.

Anyway, muchas gracias, Matt and Katie!


What a difference half a gig makes

November 16, 2006

At work, they just upgraded my machine from 512 MB to a full 1 GB of RAM. Man, what a difference. I can actually have Outlook, Visual Studio, Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, Clear Case, TestTrack Pro, and IE all open simultaneously and not suffer any performance degradation. Before, if I wanted to have more than one instance of VS open at a time, I had to close everything else, including Outlook.

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