Too high. He jumped too high.

February 18, 2008

(Language NSFW)

Remembering the good times with Mike Bibby

February 17, 2008

Later dude. Thanks for the memories.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

February 14, 2008

Okay, that’s it. My night is shot. After watching the trailer for the next installment in the Indiana Jones series, I now have the irresistable urge to watch the previous three movies.

See you in about 9 hours, I guess.

Snow day

February 11, 2008

Seeing as we live about an hour away from the snow, we felt it proper to finally introduce TT to the bliss that is frozen water.


Pretty sweet, huh, dude? Your life is now complete.

By the way, his mother is responsible for that awful hat. Troy, I am so sorry.

Moving right along…


He’s still not sure what to make of it.


Okay, I think he likes it.

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Starbucks + AT&T = Teh Rad

February 11, 2008

This is good news. Whenever I’m traveling and I need to check my email, I’ll generally head to Starbucks for a cup of joe and to tap into the T-Mobile wireless hotspot. However, at $9.99/day, the access fee always ticked me off (though never enough to prevent me from paying for it). I have never needed 24-hour Internet access at a Starbucks. Why the heck couldn’t they offer a smaller time period for less money?

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The Bowling Crew

February 3, 2008


Thanks again, everyone!

Way to go, Tom

February 3, 2008

Now we’re going to have to listen to those frickin’ 1972 Dolphins pipe up about how they’re still the greatest team ever.

Pffffft. Loser.


February 3, 2008

Holy hell, I didn’t see that one coming:


After starting off my second game with a measly 7, I hit four strikes in a row, followed by three spares. Going into the last frame, I had a 182. I knocked down eight, and then picked up the spare. On my “extra” roll, I knocked down another nine, so I finished with 201! That’s easily the highest I’ve ever scored in a bowling game, probably by at least 70 points.

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February 1, 2008

In case you hadn’t heard, Microsoft has offered to buy Yahoo! for a few pesos.

If this deal goes through, my only hope is that they continue to fully support Flickr, Yahoo! Mail, and, as I use those three applications at least once per day (and in the case of YMail, about every 15 minutes).

Sheesh. $44.6 billion? That’s ridonculous.