My name is Jon Sagara, and this is my personal blog. If you’re looking for my technical blog, you can find it at sagara.dev.
I am a software engineer living in Roseville, CA with my wife and three sons. I really enjoy spending time with my family, particularly on bikes in the great outdoors.
The House that Baby Ruth Built
Many thanks to the Cobbs, Hunters, and Eoffs, who all came over to help celebrate the holidays with us. Part of the festivities included a gingerbread house building “contest”:
The “Mr. and Mrs. Clean” award: The Hunter House. Very tidy and neat. Notice the little snow man and the automobile. Very nice attention to detail.
The “WTF Were They Smoking?” award: The Sagara Shanty. Note the funkadelic smiley face and the stylish unibrow. Very chic.
Big Brother is watching you
When I was a wide-eyed freshman EE student, I had a great idea for a senior project. I was going to devise a patrol car-mounted system that would automatically detect the speed of an oncoming car and, if it was traveling above the speed limit, my system would snap a picture of the license plate and automatically generate a ticket for the owner of the car. Obviously, I didn’t think this through very far, but it was a fascinating idea to me at the time.
And the 2007 Word of the Year is...
No, seriously, it’s w00t:
Merriam-Webster asked the Internet [to choose the 2007 word of the year], and the Internet chose “w00t,” complete with two zeros.
Err… huzzah?
Taking the 2007 Family Photo
It’s that time of year again, where we gather around and try to take a family photo. Here’s how it went for us.
First, Troy has to warm up his posing muscles:
Okay. We’re ready. Everybody smile!
Smile, Troy.
Dangit. Almost. Smile, Troy!
Yes… aw, damnit, Homer!
Frack. Okay, the dog wants to be in the picture. C’mere, Homer! Homer, come!
HOMER!!! Yeah, that’s what I thought.
The last CHES Club was too much for Troy to handle.
Oh, and Troy? Please take note: do this in college, and you’ll wake up with a penis Sharpie’d on your forehead.
Poem of the Day
The God of Thunder went for a ride
Upon his favourite philly.
“I’m Thor!” he cried,
The horse replied:
“You forgot your thaddle, thilly!”
[Found on The Code Project]