My surly 5-month-old

August 15, 2007



August 9, 2007

Stolen shamelessly from Becky’s MySpace page. Thanks, Becky!

My BIL, Chuck, and his girlfriend, Becky, were among the lucky few who witnessed Barry’s record-setting 756th home run in person.

Says Chuck:

Easily one of the Top 3 Moments of my life.

Chuck, Chuck, Chuck… So young, so naive. Just wait until you get a dog, and he’s sound asleep on the floor in front of you, and he farts really loudly, and it jolts him awake, and it scares him so badly that he runs out of the room and hides under the office desk. That will easily occupy Moments 1-7.

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August 7, 2007


At this moment, there’s nothing I’d like more than to throw monkey feces at the person/people that designed this cushion. I’ll spare you the details, except to say that Thursday morning I will be going to the doctor to get a tetanus shot.


August 7, 2007


Continuing with our beach-themed vacation, yesterday we visited Avila Beach.

If you step back for a second and look at some recent history, the Avila Beach of now is a far cry from the Avila Beach of when I was in college. Back in 1999, Unocal cleaned up some 400,000 gallons of oil by-products from underneath Avila, meaning that they dug up the entire beach and tore down pretty much all of the buildings along the beach front. It was not, by any stretch of the imagination, a beach resort vacation destination.

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Cugini's is still good the second time around

August 6, 2007


Yeah. We’re pathetic. We had lunch from Cugini’s for the second day in a row. The pizza is sooooo gooooood! We just couldn’t help ourselves.

Anyway, we didn’t do a whole lot yesterday. We went for a walk in the morning, and, after lunch, we headed up to Morro Bay to walk around on Embarcadero St. We had a nice relaxing afternoon up there. The weather was perfect, and, by chance, the local merchants were having a street fair, so we got to check out an eclectic mix of wares being hawked. One guy was even selling backyard drilling contracts with his plates of BBQ Tri-Tip. That confused the hell out of me until I took my finger out of my eye socket and realized that his business was in fact backyard grilling. I are smart, Cletus.

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KSLY's Gone Country!

August 5, 2007

Jeez, you leave for 2 years, and everything goes to hell. Not that there’s anything wrong with country music, but when you’re bombing down the Cuesta Grade at 11:30pm, and there’s nothing on the XM radio, and you’ve listened to the CD in the deck about 47 times since you started driving, the next natural step is to turn on the good ol’ terrestrial FM radio and tune into the stations that you know will play some good Top 40 tunes. Instead, I got an earful of manure.

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Baby Eoff in the house

August 4, 2007

Congratulations, Danny and Greta! Their baby girl, as yet unnamed, was born this morning to two very proud parents. The full details are in a text message on my cell phone, which is dead at the moment, so the best I can do is wish them a hearty congratulations!

Bear responds to accusations of "motels and stagings"

August 3, 2007

Sort of:

Re: the recent press accusations of motels and stagings in the show that have been doing the rounds, all I can say is they don’t always tell the full story, but that’s life and part of being in the public eye I guess.

That’s a non-denial denial if I’ve ever heard one.

Anyway, regardless of what they actually do or do-not-do while filming, Man vs. Wild remains one of my favorite television shows. After all, I’m watching it for entertainment purposes, not for learning how to survive in the wild. If I wanted that, I would grow a beard, move to Montana, and befriend a grizzly bear named Ted, and we’d frolic in the mountain valleys and drink too much boxed wine on our cross country road trips and use fluffy bunnies as toilet paper. You know, just like in college.

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Rory Blyth is a link whore^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hfish pirate

July 30, 2007

And still, I link to him.

What does that make me? A fish monger?