You know you've been writing too much code when...
You have a baby on the way, and last night your dream transitions from a baby sleeping peacefully in a crib, to this:
Fer fark’s sake.
"Grammer" Cop
This is a cool little Web site. Being that I’m well over 15 years removed from 7th-grade grammar instruction, I often find myself questioning sentence construction, word choice, etc. (How many errors were in that last sentence? Sheesh. I couldn’t even tell you anymore.) Grammer Cop has a helpful reference section of questions submitted by users, and if you don’t see what you need, you can just ask!
If you’ve been bitten by the SNAFU that is RegisterFly, there is a new community site that tries to provide help and some answers. At the very least, you can go there and join the pity party.
And by the way, DO NOT, under any circumstances, submit payment to RegisterFly. As I understand it, they are now a rogue operation, accepting payment, but not actually registering/renewing your domains. I urge you to transfer your domains to a new registrar ASAP. GoDaddy is offering a refugee program:
Homer and the tennis balls
This is Homer:
This is Homer on drugs:
This is a tennis ball:
Homer likes tennis balls. If one tennis ball is good, then more tennis balls must be better.
This is a bag of tennis balls:
This is Homer discovering the bag of tennis balls:
This is essentially Kelly deciding whether or not to be evil:
Evil won out on this particular day:
"0.5 cm"
I think the nurse practitioner was just being nice. My guess is that we’re going to be 4 months late.
Jack's back
Remember that game? I used to play it in college. Back in the 90s. When you still had to hunt and kill (or gather, if you roll that way) your own food. Back when Friends was still cool. Back when Michael Richards was still a closeted racist.
Anyway, it was a fun pop culture game back then, and it looks like it still is today. I only played one game on the home page, but it looks like they have done a nice job of updating the questions with current events. I don’t know that I would buy a new version, but playing online is just as fun as I remember the old offline version being. So go check it out and have yourself a good time.
XM Radio: Canceled
I bought a Delphi SkyFi when Air America Radio first came on the air back in March 2004 so that I could listen to the now-defunct Al Franken Show. In the years that followed, terrestrial radio stations started offering the show for free, and I eventually took on more work to the point that I was unable to listen to it at all. Kelly used it for about a year while she was completing her masters degree, but by and large the unit has sat unused in our office for three years. I can’t even remember how much the subscription costs per year anymore. It started out at about $10/month, and by now I think it’s up to $13.95/month. Anyway, long story short, it was time to cancel the subscription.
Almond Blossoms
My first attempt at actually using my new camera “for real” (click the image for the full gallery):