
November 2, 2006

I forgot to post a picture of us in our Halloween costumes:


She has a bun in the oven, and I am the bun maker.

We’re so clever.

BTW, thanks to the Eoff’s for hosting yet another excellent Halloween Fright Fest.

There are days when I wish I had my own private, independently ventilated office

November 2, 2006

And without fail, those days are always the day after Kelly makes her famous 5-Methane-Detector-Alarm Chili.

I wonder if they stock the first aid kit with Beano…

Naked. Really naked.

November 1, 2006

And at work, no less.

I had a fairly busy morning. We had to drop Kelly’s car off at the mechanic to get her lights fixed. Then I had to drop her off at work. Finally, I had to fill up with gas on my way to work so that I’d be able to pick her up again after work and take Homer to his appointment at the vet. So as I was filling up with gas, I was listening to Mark and Brian talk about how they hate playing golf at those pretentious, pricey country clubs. Brian was going off on how some stuffy bastard made him buy a new pair of shorts, tuck in his shirt, and buy a $97 belt for his new shorts before he could play the course.

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Getting bigger!

October 30, 2006

She’s just about 5 months along in this picture:


She says that she can start to feel the baby moving around inside of her. It’s pretty active. Last night we were sitting on the couch watching TV. She said it was on the left side. All of a sudden she got really excited and said, “Oh my gosh! It just moved over to the right side!”

How would you like to be "that" person?

October 30, 2006

As in, “that living, breathing person who lost an election to a dead person”?

ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A dead woman won re-election to a school board in rural Alaska after her opponent lost a coin flip meant to break an electoral tie.

Katherine Dunton, who died of cancer on Oct. 3, the day of the local election, was re-elected to the Aleutian Region School District board after her opponent, Dona Highstone, called “heads” on a coin toss that landed “tails,” state and local officials said.

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Because Americans just aren't fat enough

October 27, 2006

With the adult obesity rate in the U.S. hovering somewhere above 60%, this is exactly what we need:

Fried Coke

Abel Gonzales, 36, a computer analyst from Dallas, tried about 15 different varieties before coming up with his perfect recipe – a batter mix made with Coca-Cola syrup, a drizzle of strawberry syrup, and some strawberries.

Balls of the batter are then deep-fried, ending up like ping-pong ball sized doughnuts which are then served in a cup, topped with Coca-Cola syrup, whipped cream, cinnamon sugar and a cherry on the top.

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Making the case for stem cell research

October 23, 2006

You need look no further than this article to see why stem cell research should be fully supported by the U.S. government:

Nerve cells grown from human embryonic stem cells and injected into the brains of rats with a syndrome mimicking Parkinson’s disease significantly reduced the animals’ symptoms, but the treatment also caused tumors in the rodents’ brains, scientists reported yesterday. […]

Goldman said he suspected that with modest changes in technique, researchers will be able to keep the benefits of the treatment while eliminating or reducing the chances of getting the cancerlike growths. But he conceded that much more basic research would have to be done before scientists – or regulators – were likely to be convinced of the approach’s safety. […]

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Great job, Coach

October 21, 2006

Ok. You’re new in town. You’ve got a new job, a new boss, and a whole bunch of new fans to win over. Plus, you preside over a group of overpaid, oversexed millionaire crybabies with egos the size of Texas. You insist on hard work, smothering defense, and maximum effort for the duration of each 48-minute game from a group that is used to playing offense-only basketball.

So far, things are going great. It looks like the whole team is buying into your bullshit system, saying they like how hard you work and how much they respect what you bring to the game. And let’s be honest – without that respect, you’re going nowhere with these guys.

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Making a RAZR ringtone with iTunes

October 19, 2006

I just recently upgraded my cell phone to a Motorola RAZR from a dinosaur. If you’re picturing this

then you aren’t far off.

Anyway, when I found out that the RAZR could play MP3 ringtones, I was stoked. I had the perfect song in mind: Metallica’s Master of Puppets. Only I didn’t want the chorus, because the chorus is lame. Anyone who knows anything about rock knows that the best part of the song is the opening riff. So I went to Cingular’s download site. They have Metallica. Sweet. They have Master of Puppets. SWEET. It’s just the chorus. Sheeeet. I’m up sheeeet creek without a paddle.

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