Cartoon Network RickRolls the world

November 30, 2008

I somehow missed this, but the Cartoon Network float RickRolled the entire Thanksgiving Day Parade-watching world on Thursday. Have a look:

Well played, Cartoon Network. Well played.

It never fails

November 22, 2008

Some things in life are inevitable. I can’t remember the last time this didn’t happen:

  1. Let Homer outside
  2. Give him plenty of lead time to do his business
  3. Pick the poop up off the lawn and dispose of it
  4. Start mowing the lawn
  5. Homer pinches a loaf right in the middle of the uncut grass

Frickin’ dog. It’s like the First Law of Gastrointestinal Dynamics or something:

Picking up the poop leads to mowing the lawn, which in turn leads to Home-dog dropping a deuce right in my path.

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November 18, 2008

Congrats, Dustin!

BOSTON – Just call him Mr. November. Or better yet, refer to Dustin Pedroia as the Most Valuable Player of the American League.

The second baseman of the Boston Red Sox continued his rapid burst into the national spotlight on Tuesday, when he was recognized with that impressive honor.

Though most pundits expected the race for MVP to be agonizingly close, Pedroia won in comfortable fashion, garnering 16 of 28 first-place votes. He also received six second-place votes, four third-place votes and one fourth-place vote for 317 total points. In an ironic twist, Pedroia was left off one ballot.

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Notice anything different?

November 12, 2008

Well, besides the sporadic outages over the past week.

I changed hosting companies, and one of the side effects was that the database that powers this blog was having locking issues. So, I upgraded to a better database engine, and, man, this site is now SNAPPY. Pages and posts load very quickly compared to when it was running on the old box. As cool as a self-contained, fully-managed, filesystem-based database is, it can’t match the performance of a server-based database.

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Excuse me a sec while I step outside; I need to go work on my blood pressure

October 24, 2008

I visited Yahoo! News this afternoon, and was greeted with this fabulous headline:

The Stink in Farts Controls Blood Pressure

I didn’t bother to read the article, but I’m pretty sure it says that the key to a longer, healthier life lies in passing gas more often, audibly, and in public places.

Stupid Goat

October 17, 2008


So long, Fes

October 2, 2008

It seems like only yesterday that my parents took me to a farm outside of Knights Landing to pick out a new puppy. It was around 1993, and I had always been pretty big into pheasant hunting. Upon my dad’s suggestion, I decided to get a Brittany Spaniel (now known as a Brittany), a breed known for its hunting prowess.

The breeder demonstrated the hunting abilities of the littermates by tossing around an old pheasant wing he had on hand. Some were interested, and some were not, but one dog in particular zeroed in on that wing every single time it was thrown. He was easy to spot, too, because he had a big red – well, a big red spot right on the middle of his head. He was the one I wanted, and he was the one I got.

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Mythbusters: fun with gas

September 8, 2008

I have GOT to get my hands on some sulfur hexafluoride:

I have to share this

September 8, 2008

This is easily my favorite news story of 2008:

FRESNO, California (AP) – Authorities say they’ve arrested a man who broke into the home of two California farmworkers, stole money, rubbed one with spices and whacked the other with a sausage before fleeing.

Fresno County sheriff’s Lt. Ian Burrimond says 22-year-old Antonio Vasquez was found hiding in a field wearing only a T-shirt, boxers and socks after the Saturday morning attack.

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Hangin' with B-man

July 21, 2008

Look at those two handsome devils:


One night on our vacation, we had dinner with our friends Wayne, Laurel, and Braden. Troy was on crack. He was so busy running around their house that he shunned a most excellent dinner. On any other day, he would have scarfed it like a rapacious badger. Oh well. The boy could stand to lose a few pounds.

Just like his old man.


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