New patio furniture

September 4, 2006

What better way to spend Labor Day than to get a new patio furniture set for the patio that you built over a year ago?

The store was liquidating their stock. They said their original price was $1250; they sold it to us for $400. Either we got taken for a ride, or we got a really great deal. Whatever. It’s nice looking stuff, it was easy to put together, and it matches the two patio chairs that we got as a wedding gift. Most importantly, Kelly is very happy with it. You can’t ask for more than that.

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Steve Irwin

September 3, 2006



September 1, 2006

No, not debugging.

Leaving Intel. Ouch:

Intel Corp. may cut 10 percent or more of its workforce by early next week, according to published reports late Thursday that cited sources familiar with the plans.

Santa Clara-based Intel (Nasdaq: INTC), the world’s largest computer chip-maker, employs an estimated 100,000 around the globe, including 7,000 in Folsom.

CNET News reported that Intel CEO Paul Otellini is expected to announce a layoff of up to 10,000, as early as Tuesday. The job cut is likely to target marketing staff, the site reported. A report by The Wall Street Journal puts the number as high as 20,000.

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He's a gamer

September 1, 2006


[…] Dustin Pedroia and Gabe Kapler made dazzling defensive plays in the eighth inning to help Boston to a 6-4 win over Toronto at Fenway Park. […]

The eighth inning featured a 4-6-3 double play started when Pedroia dove to his right on a hard smash off the bat of Gregg Zaun. The inning ended when Russ Adams hit a sinking liner to right and Kapler dove to make the catch.

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How many lightbulbs does it take to change the world?

August 30, 2006

One. And you’re looking at it.

Looks like it’s time for another good old fashioned Sagara Science Experiment. The article makes some fantastic claims:

Compact fluorescents emit the same light as classic incandescents but use 75% or 80% less electricity. […]

Swirl bulbs don’t just work, they pay for themselves. They use so little power compared with old reliable bulbs, a $3 swirl pays for itself in lower electric bills in about five months. Screw one in, turn it on, and it’s not just lighting your living room, it’s dropping quarters in your pocket. The advantages pile up in a way to almost make one giddy. Compact fluorescents, even in heavy use, last 5, 7, 10 years. Years. Install one on your 30th birthday; it may be around to help illuminate your 40th. [Emphasis mine]

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Pictures from the game

August 29, 2006

I finally uploaded my pictures from the Red Sox / A’s game. You can view them here.


Like I said, my camera has a -63x zoom, so hopefully Eoff will upload his soon.

Extreme Home Makeover: Kathy Edition

August 29, 2006

This past weekend, Kelly, Kris, and Chuck, along with the help of Kathy’s friend Connie, swooped into Kathy’s house and did a mini remodel of the kitchen. She’s had the same “interesting” wallpaper for who knows how long, and Kelly and Connie had decided that enough was enough.

Here’s the old wallpaper flavors:


And here are the after shots:




Oddly enough, the first thing Kathy noticed when she walked through the door after returning from a weekend in Montana was that one of her decorations was out of place: What’s that doing here???

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Little Pedroia

August 29, 2006

I went with Danny, Matt, and Josh to see Little Pedroia and the BoSox play the Oakland A’s at the Coliseum. He did okay. He played second the whole game, and was 1 for 4, with his sole hit being a line drive to the outfield that he could have potentially stretched into a double. He also turned a double play with the short stop.

The zoom on my camera sucks @$$, so hopefully Danny will post some pics soon. From my camera, all of the players look like termites.

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Announcing Sagara 2.0 Beta

August 28, 2006

We are pleased to announce the inception of a new project: Sagara 2.0.

Sagara 2.0 is still in the beta phase. We expect to move into the Release Candidate phase within the next three months, and we will go gold somewhere around March 12, 2007.

Some of the new features include:

  • Upgraded user interface (better-looking than daddy)
  • Continuing our reputation for excellence (has mommy’s warm and endearing personality)

Here are some screen shots of a preview version of the new release:

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Holy crap, that was fun!

August 27, 2006


Last night was my 10-year high school reunion at the Heidrick Ag History Center in Woodland. I quickly realized two things:

  • I don’t hang out with anyone in my class anymore, with the exception of Matt Schoech, whom I see on occasion at Rajiv’s. But even that will change, because he’s moving out of Rajiv’s, and in with his girlfriend. Sellout.
  • Girls age better than guys.

All I kept thinking last night was, “This is so weird.” To go 10 years without seeing people you’re used to seeing everyday, and then to see them all in one place again, is just strange. But it was a good strange. I got to talk to a lot of people last night and catch up on what’s been happening in their lives. It seemed like the night flew by. When they turned the lights on at 11pm, I was sad to see everyone go.

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