Without a hitch

February 10, 2006

The first week was awesome. After setting up my machine on Monday, they threw us right into the fire and had us start testing. Since we had all of the source code, I was able to debug some of the issues myself, with the result being that I now have a fairly good handle on the architecture of the product. The rest of the week was more of the same, with some small coding nuggets thrown in here and there.

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It's cool

February 8, 2006

Just a quick note:

The first several days have been uneventful. It’s weird being back in a corporation again, and even weirder going from a 2-person company to working at a site that has 6500+ people. It’s almost a self-contained mini-city.

Anyway, everyone has been nice. The only bad thing is the commute – it takes up to an hour each way.

It's Official

February 3, 2006

On Monday, I start working at Intel as a software engineer. It’s a contract-to-hire position, so I’ll know in 3 month’s time what my permanent status will be.

Someone from Woodland finally making it to the Big Leagues?

February 1, 2006

From the January 30, 2006 issue of Sports Illustrated:

Boston’s blueprint now includes signing free-agent shortstop Alex Gonzalez to a one-year deal as insurance until sure-handed rookie Dustin Pedroia, 22, is ready to take over the job…

I grew up with Dustin’s older brother, Brett, in Woodland. We played baseball together for many years, from Little League all the way up through high school. As long as I can remember, Dustin was a little stud kid hanging around his older brother, soaking up baseball knowledge like a sponge. He had a stellar career at Arizona State, and his ascension through the ranks of the minor leagues can best be described as rapid.

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The Jerry Reynolds Line of the Night

January 31, 2006

“It’s too bad that Ron Artest got those fouls. I mean, he was outta this game quicker than a fat kid in dodgeball.”

One more reason NOT to buy a Ford

January 27, 2006

Ford plant bans competitors’ cars from lot - Dearborn manager says employees can only park if they drive a Ford

Yeah, your company is tanking so badly that you’re punishing your own workers for not buying your products? Perhaps you should look in the mirror, do some soul searching, and figure out exactly why the imports are kicking your ass. It has nothing to do with brand loyalty, and everything to do with - as one man in the article puts it - getting the most bang for your buck.

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Forgive me for getting a little mushy, but...

January 26, 2006

Kelly and I have officially been together for 10 years now. :)

Jan Thomas Lowrey

January 25, 2006

From the Daily Democrat. There is also a guestbook available for signing.

Jan Lowrey
Jan. 9, 1949 - Jan. 21, 2006

Jan Thomas Lowrey, executive director of the Cache Creek Conservancy and a fourth-generation resident of Yolo County, died unexpectedly and peacefully at his home in Rumsey on Saturday, Jan. 21. He leaves a legacy of commitment and service to his family, friends and community and a passion for preserving Cache Creek for future generations.

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Bye-bye, Peja ... Or Not

January 24, 2006

I appreciate everything Peja has given to Sacramento. He’s a helluva a player, and I understand that he has done a lot for the community while he was here. But, he made a chronic habit out of disappearing at the end of some very important games, and he doesn’t exactly evoke images of toughness.

Enter Ron Artest. I don’t think he’ll be the Kings’ savior, but I do think he’ll add some much-needed grit and defense. Let’s see some bloodied noses and black eyes (figuratively speaking), and let’s hope his edge carries over to some of his new teammates.

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