Getting older sucks

January 22, 2006

As a kid, typically when someone from an older generation dies, you don’t have many attachments to them (family notwithstanding), but there are rare occasions when you develop a working relationship with someone. Such was the case with Jan Lowrey, a man who grew up with my dad and eventually worked for him at Sagara Farms.

I spent several summers as a teenager working with Jan. He and I did much of the surveying for the laser leveling portion of the business, which meant spending a lot of 12 hours days in a pickup truck, plotting huge 30-100 acre fields. One thing I took from him was that it’s okay to have your own opinion of the world, no matter how isolated you may be. He held a degree in English, and he was a Democrat living in rural Yolo County, an uncommon set of characteristics for those parts, yet he never wavered. I remember the mocking he received for supporting Clinton, yet he firmly stood behind his beliefs.

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Kelly makes the front page

January 12, 2006

Kelly is in a picture featured on the front page of our community paper, The Antelope News. She’s in the far right of the picture with the festive head gear on.

The piece is about Kelly’s school’s effort to donate new shoes to those in need. Kelly’s mom graciously donated 21 pairs of shoes to the program.


January 11, 2006


And the legal system prevails again

January 10, 2006

O.J. finally convicted? Gays allowed to marry? Women prohibited by law from wearing white after Labor Day?

Nope. I completed my jury duty without ever having to set foot inside the courthouse. I love the Internets.

Reason #632 why I didn't become a farmer

January 9, 2006

I look terrible in a cowboy hat:



I'm back. Finally.

January 2, 2006

It’s quite frustrating when your Internet connection doesn’t work. It’s even more frustrating when it works randomly and intermittently for short spurts at a time. The good news, though, is that SureWest fixed the problem. There was an exposed wire that was causing a short in the line, made even worse by all of the wet weather we’ve been having in CA since mid-December.

Lots happened during my unplanned hiatus – xmas, New Years, and a couple of birthdays. I’ll keep it short and sweet by saying thanks to everyone for a great holiday season, especially my parents who so graciously hosted big family dinners on two consecutive nights at their house. Thanks for the great gifts, and thanks for spending time with us, exchanging stories and laughs.

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Death of a Database

December 15, 2005

I was having trouble on my server with the lsass.exe process crashing. After looking through the articles on, I tried one of the available solutions. Unfortunately, I was in a hurry, and it wasn’t until I had already modified the registry and rebooted that I noticed that the solution was only valid for Windows 2000 Professional, and NOT Windows Server 2003. Sonuva…

So, long story short, both tech support and I were unable to log into my server, and they had to reload the OS. All of the data is gone, hence the new version of the blogging software that I use on my site.

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Hello, World!

December 15, 2005

The obligatory nerd post announcing that he has increased his nerdiness by a factor of 10 by running his own blog.