Fort Bragg / Mendocino: 7/7/2007

July 9, 2007

Warning: inane content ahead. It is a journal of what we did while on vacation. It is not particularly well-written, and should you decide to read it, you will likely experience an overwhelming sense of boredom similar to watching someone else’s home videos. Proceed with caution.

Yet another Starbucks run. Today we didn’t have much on the agenda, so after a big breakfast, we just kind of lazed around the house all morning.

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Fort Bragg / Mendocino: 7/6/2009

July 9, 2007

Warning: inane content ahead. It is a journal of what we did while on vacation. It is not particularly well-written, and should you decide to read it, you will likely experience an overwhelming sense of boredom similar to watching someone else’s home videos. Proceed with caution.

Woke up this morning to see this:


We’re both early risers now thanks to Troy: Kelly gets up early to feed him, and I get up so I can be at work by 7am, and back at home by 4pm. This morning, after we fed T-man and made a Starbucks run, we decided to take Troy for his first-ever beach experience.

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Fort Bragg / Mendocino: 7/5/2009

July 9, 2007

Warning: inane content ahead. It is a journal of what we did while on vacation. It is not particularly well-written, and should you decide to read it, you will likely experience an overwhelming sense of boredom similar to watching someone else’s home videos. Proceed with caution.

We headed up to the house in Mendocino, and on the way we stopped for dinner at Kelly’s grandma’s house. We pulled in at 6:30pm, and it was still oppressively hot. If memory serves correctly, it was still in the 102F range. Nothing a little pizza from the local pizza parlor couldn’t fix, though. For being such a rinky dink little hole in the wall, they sure make great pizzas.

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Water Dog

July 5, 2007



July 2, 2007


Little Man has been able to roll himself over from Front to Back since he was 4 weeks old, but he has never once gone from Back to Front. Until yesterday.

We laid him down on his back for a nap, and all was well and good for about 5 minutes. Then, for no apparent reason, he started screaming his head off. Curious, but not alarmed, Kelly sauntered into his room to see what was the matter. It turns out that little Troy-Troy had flipped himself over onto his belly for a little inadvertent Tummy Time. Troy hates Tummy Time, hence the vocal hysterics. Kelly flipped him back over, and all was right with the world again.

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Knocked Up

June 28, 2007

F’n brilliant movie. Hilarious. If you’re thinking about having children, you’ll get a really good look at what the child birthing process is like.

Excellent, excellent flick. Highly recommended. Lots of f-bombs, and a little graphic in small parts, but very well done.

Good news, for once

June 28, 2007

Life in the ‘Lope ain’t all bad.

We occasionally run into this kid’s dad when we’re walking Homer at night:

At 22, Eric Giannini Jr. has been overseas once to attend a summer study course in England in 2005.

This weekend, the Sacramento-born Giannini begins a second foreign trip, this time as a Russia-bound Fulbright Fellow.

“I feel very thankful that I got the Fulbright,” Giannini said in his parents’ Antelope home last week, a month after he graduated magna *** laude from St. Mary’s College in Moraga with a bachelor’s degree in integral liberal arts.

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Things seen from the train

June 27, 2007

On the way there

  • A woman sitting on a planter behind a drug store in a run-down neighborhood. She had a bag of Friskies cat food sitting next to her. She looked hungry. She was alone, with no cats in sight. She had that ravenous look in her eyes. Sadly, the train was moving along briskly, so I didn’t get to see the conclusion to this unfolding mini-drama.
  • A lonely jack rabbit, sitting in between two metal gates, looking hopelessly confused. Or, maybe depressed. Eating carrots and living in holes in the ground is no way to go through life. I know that if I were a jack rabbit, I’d want to shoot myself. Except I wouldn’t have opposable thumbs, so maybe I’d just play in traffic instead.
  • Big Foot (the sasquatch, not the truck). He said to tell you Hello.
  • Nah, I didn’t really see Big Foot.
  • It was your mom!
  • Just kidding.
  • I did see a dead fish floating in the water, though. That was pretty cool.

On the way back

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Train to San Francisco

June 27, 2007

The last time I rode the train was from SLO to Davis and back. It took 11 hours each way. That’s right. I could have driven from SLO to Esparto and back, and I still would’ve beaten the train.

I think the most excruciating part of the journey was the stop at each station along the way. I don’t remember exactly how long each was, but it seemed like forever. 30 minutes is a long time when you’re only 21 years old. I had shit to do! That beer at the bar certainly wasn’t going to drink itself!

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