Mike's memorial, and parting thoughts

April 6, 2007


It was a privilege to have known Mike Aiello. After attending his Celebration of Life yesterday, I was reminded of how many people’s lives he had touched, including my own.

If you didn’t know Mike, he was a pretty crazy guy. He was big-time into motocross. If you look at his MySpace page, you’ll see all kinds of pictures of him getting huge air on his bike. He was also a fantastic snow skier, throwing himself down the mountain with reckless abandon. He was fearless.

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Troy's birth announcement in the Daily Democrat

April 3, 2007

Nothing new here, just recording it for posterity. I slightly modified the text for accuracy.

Troy Steven Sagara was born to Jon and Kelly (Scott) Sagara of Sacramento on March 14, 2007. At the time of his birth, Troy weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces and was 20 inches long. Troy was welcomed by his grandparents, Kathy Scott of Woodland, Lee Scott of West Sacramento, Steve and Denise Sagara of Esparto and great-grandparents, Doris Harville of Upper Lake, Shirley Scott of Healdsburg, Boyce and Agnes White of Meridian, ID, and Kimi Sagara of Woodland.

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Memorial for Mike Aiello

April 3, 2007

The memorial will be held Thursday, April 5th at 1pm at the Chiala Estate.

2880 Tennant Ave.
Morgan Hill, Ca
Google Maps

Access Tennant directly off Hwy 101

Life is so unfair

April 2, 2007


March CHES Club

April 2, 2007


Thanks to the Cobbs for having us over for dinner on Saturday night, and for hosting the first official CHES Club dinner for member #9. Good food, good drinks, good people.

And thanks to the Eoffs for rescuing me from the Human Firehose.

Mike Aiello

March 31, 2007

Not the actor, but a friend of mine from college.

I just heard that he died in a small plane crash near Los Banos, CA.

I’m at a total loss for words. My condolences go out to the Aiello and DeCicco families in their time of loss.

RIP, Mike.

Edit: I just received this. Chances are if you’re reading my blog, you already have this information, but just in case:

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March 29, 2007


Yeah… so, of all the special people in this household, guess which one of us came down with hives?



Apparently, introducing Troy into the environment was just too much too soon for the Homedog, and his skin couldn’t take the stress. We should have known, because starting the day we brought Troy home, Homer was awake for 48 hours straight. When we humans tried to sleep, Homer spent the entire time running back and forth from my side of the bed to the bassinet, getting constant status updates.

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Food Coma

March 29, 2007


Baby does not respect protocol

March 28, 2007

That protocol being:

  • Baby messes pants
  • Parent changes baby’s diaper
  • Baby waits longer than 5 seconds to mess pants again

Late last night:


And I was all, “Eeeewwwwwww!”

And he was like, “Wah!”

And I was all, “Yeah, dude, totally.”

And then I like, changed his diaper and stuff.

And then I was all, “There you go, Troy-Troy. All better?”


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I nominate myself for Father of the Year

March 26, 2007

So I was leaving my mother-in-law’s house yesterday to pick up Kelly from a wedding shower she had been attending. I had little Troy Boy with me inside the MIL’s house, and I had set him in his car seat for safe keeping. After I had packed up his diaper bag and loaded up the car, I went back inside and grabbed the car seat (with Troy) and snapped it into the base station in the back seat of my Tacoma.

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