8 months

January 18, 2007


What I ate on my birthday

January 13, 2007


Shameless self-promotion

January 11, 2007

*Singing in the voice of Milton from Office Space*

Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday dear ME
Happy birthday to me

*Toots on lame paper party horn*


Comcast TiVo

January 10, 2007

Looks like I will finally be able to stop feeling guilty about calling my non-TiVo a TiVo.

Tucked into the back of the room was an unlikely star of the show, the Comcast TiVo. Kellie McKeown, Director of Engineering for TiVo, provided a demonstration of the unit for me.

Aside from the Comcast branding and minor UI tweaks, it looks like the TiVo interface fans of the DVR are accustomed to, with a few extra features thrown in like metadata searches and support for Comcast’s On Demand programming. The remote control is the same; the sound effects are the sameā€”it’s the TiVo experience fans of the DVR have come to appreciate. The Comcast TiVos also highlight HD content in the program guide and offer a “Get It In HD” option for WishList and Season Pass recordings. The TiVo software runs on the Motorola 3400 and Motorola 6400 DVRs, with the 3400 offering HDMI connections in addition to the usual composite, component, and coaxial connections. […]

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LeBron James is good

January 9, 2007

That is all. Carry on.

Edit: Given how poorly the Kings played in the second half last night, and disregarding LeBron’s basketudinal prowess, I suppose the highlight of the night was the fight in the stands about 3 rows in front of us.

Some young guys who, I’m guessing, came down from the nose bleeds and sat in these empty seats, were pounding beers the entire game. In the fourth quarter, LeBron made a particularly good play, prompting one of the guys to jump up and down, spilling beer all over the guy in front of him. I guess this had happened a couple times throughout the evening. Anyway, the spillee just popped. He was a big dude, too – probably 6'4", and well over 200 lbs.

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iPhone: iWant

January 9, 2007

Now, if only I can find an extra $599 lying around…

Seriously, the geeks at Gizmodo have been doing a great job of live-blogging Apple’s announcement of the iPhone. From what they’ve captured so far, this thing is the real deal. This is what a mobile phone should be.

Kudos to Apple for always being so innovative and ahead of the curve.

I wonder how much skrilla I have in my change bucket…

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Long day at the dog park

January 8, 2007


5th Street Steak House, Chico

January 7, 2007

Best steak this side of… anywhere.

We drove up to Chico last night and had dinner at the 5th Street Steak House in celebration of Kris’s, Kathy’s, and my birthdays. Now, IMO, I can BBQ a pretty damn good steak, but I have nothing on the folks at 5th Street. My Rib eye was so tender, juicy, and flavorful that I almost keeled over and died at the table from taste bud sensory overload. It was magnificent. Sublime. A thing to revere. IOW, it’s good stuff.

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First pics

January 5, 2007

This is one of the first pictures I took with my new D80. Obviously, I have no clue what I’m doing, but even in point-and-shoot mode, it takes damn good pictures.


Your dog is fat, and it's your fault

January 5, 2007

Great f*cking Caesar’s ghost - there is now an obesity drug for dogs.

The government approved the first drug for obese canines on Friday. Called Slentrol, the Pfizer Inc. drug is aimed at helping fat Fidos shed extra pounds.

Here are some tips to get your adipose Alpo-eater to lose some weight:

  • Feed it a reasonable amount of food. We have an 85 lb Labrador Retriever. He gets 1.75 cups of kibble in the morning, and 1.75 cups of kibble at night. That’s it.
  • Cut back on the treats. They are, after all, treats. Our dog only gets them after we shove a pill down his throat, or when we’re feeling nice and he’s being good. I’d say he averages one small, bite-sized piece of dog biscuit about every 3 or 4 days. And when I say small, I mean small. Make the “OK” sign with your thumb and index finger. The treat should easily fit into the middle of the “O”.
  • No table scraps. Feeding your dog people food is a surefire way to send him or her to Fat City. The only “human” food our dog gets is a baby carrot every now and then.
  • Exercise! Get your mutt’s lazy butt off the couch and out into the sunlight.

Obviously, I am not a vet. Consult your vet before changing your dog’s diet and/or exercise regimen blah blah blah.

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