Hitachi to ship 1 TB hard drive this year
1 TB drives getting ready to hit the streets
Ho. Lee. Crap.
And they’re only going to cost $400, which will surely go down with time. Insanity.
My first computer (Pentium 200 MHz) had a 2 GB hdd, and that was top of the line at the time. 1 TB? That’s just ridiculous. And my coworker just informed me that Seagate plans to have a 37.5 TB drive out in a couple of years.
UK cabbie clocked at 420mph
A UK cabbie has broken the previous speed record for a petrol-driven reciprocating-engined vehicle by clocking up an impressive 420mph in a 30mph zone in Newport, Gwent.
In training
We decided to bite the bullet and sign Homer up for puppy training. Although he’s not much of a puppy anymore. In fact, he’s well over 2 years old and tips the scales at 85 lbs. But I digress.
At the first lesson, we “learned” that Homeslice is a defiant little bastard. Near the beginning of the lesson, the trainer used a Pupparoni stick to get Homer to obey a command, and he responded very well. She asked him to sit, and he sat. She asked him to Watch Her, and he did, all in the name of Pupparoni. Unfortunately for her, this particular doggy delicacy would ultimately have only limited effectiveness.
Happy New Year!
And a special thanks goes out to my friends Danny and Greta for hosting such a spectacular party last night. A good time - nay, a great time - was had by all.
Enjoy the new year!
The House that Christmas Puked On
With photographic evidence, of course (click thumbnails for larger images):
A very Sagara Christmas
Sorry these are a little late, but as I noted below, I have been fighting the flu since early this week. Anyway, enjoy:

- Kelly’s grandma put us up in the Tallman Hotel, a remodeled version of the original where Kelly’s grandfather stayed when he first moved to Upper Lake and began working as a logger.
- Kelly’s other grandma put on a poker clinic at her rest home. The picture above is Kelly drowning her sorrows after losing $2 in nickel-ante 5-card draw. Never trust a sweet old lady who carries a deck of cards in her purse.
- Family! It was a whirlwind two days, but it was worth it. Sunday we visited both of her grandmas. Monday morning we had breakfast and opened gifts. Monday evening we went to my mom & dad’s place and had dinner with my family. It was awesome.
- The gifts: Santa was kind (not that he ever isn’t).
Sick sucks
Earlier this week I received a funtastic late christmas present: the flu bug. I was alternately shivering cold and burning hot, all the while spewing liquid hot magma from both ends. Good times. I seem to be all better now, though.
Happy Chrismakwanzukkah
Yeah, that oughta do it. Covers the big 3, anyway. Happy/Merry {YOUR_HOLIDAY} to you and yours!
Santa is dead
Well. Xmas is forever ruined for these children. How awful.
Children watched in horror as a Santa Claus collapsed and died as he handed out presents at a Christmas party on Sunday.
Andrew Robertson was taken ill as the excited youngsters received their gifts. The 82-year-old was taken to a side room and attempts made to revive him, but he was pronounced dead when medics arrived.