The White Elephant

December 18, 2006

Mad props to Matt, Selah, and Rajiv for putting on a kickass White Elephant party last Saturday night.


What is the fabulous white elephant gift that I received, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you.



I traded them for a Starbucks card. Me in wireless vibrating panties is not something that I would ever want to see.

And I'm done

December 16, 2006


It just doesn’t have the same ring to it, but it’ll do. No more getting up early on Saturdays for 9am classes. I just took my final and turned in my project.



December 15, 2006

GPA of last 30 semester units at Cal Poly: 2.009

GPA of last 30 semester units at Cuesta/Sierra/CSUS: 3.733

I think it’s a combination of three things:

  • An attitude adjustment I received two years ago
  • Maturity
  • Business classes are orders of magnitude easier than engineering classes

Were I to take that last 30 units at Cal Poly now, I wonder how I would fare?

One more reason I'm glad I switched to Flickr

December 13, 2006

My old photo hosting company (name rhymes with “freebase”) was plagued by downtime and the dreaded red X. Flickr has been rock solid, and their upload application makes uploading files a snap.

Well, the best just got better. Flickr Pro accounts will now enjoy unlimited storage and bandwidth. No more 2GB monthly limit!

(Not that I have ever approached 2GB of uploads in a month, but still, having no constraints is a plus in my book.)

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Fifth Third Bank

December 12, 2006

About every 2 days, I receive a phishing attempt in my SPAM folder that purports to be from the Fifth Third Bank. This has been happening for about a year or two, and every time I have laughed it off as a pathetic “Engrish” attempt by some funny fur’ner to dup Americans into revealing their bank account details. Joke’s on me.

Turns out it was a group of Ohioans who decided that this would be a great name for their respected financial institution. Way to raise the bar, guys.

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The Crib

December 9, 2006

We finally decided to be good parents and not make the Baby sleep on the floor the first night s/he comes home:


I have to say, I am impressed with this piece of furniture. It is sturdy, nice looking, and extremely easy to put together. I thought it was going to be a 5-Heineken job, but it only turned out to be a 0.5-Heini job. I think I got screwed on that one.

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Where the hell is Matt?

December 7, 2006

This is one of the coolest videos I have seen in a long time. This guy travels all over the world and gets shots of himself doing some sort of jig. Take a look - he goes to some pretty exotic places.

Here is his Web site: Where the hell is Matt?

Taylor Parker

December 5, 2006

An old family friend, Tammy Parker (Woodlanders will know her as Tammy Garrison, daughter of Doug and Vickie Garrison), and her daughter, Taylor, were in a bad car accident last month. Tammy escaped relatively unscathed, but Taylor suffered extensive spinal cord injuries and, I believe, is now paralyzed from the neck down.

As you might imagine, the medical bills incurred in caring for young Taylor are enormous, and the Parker family is having trouble coping. Fortunately, some of their dedicated friends and family have set up a fundraiser to help offset some of the financial burden. If you live in the Chico, CA area, you can help out by purchasing a pizza from a local Round Table Pizza restaurant. 20% of the proceeds will go to help pay Taylor’s medical bills.

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Take a bow, Woodland

December 3, 2006

You’re finally getting the recognition you deserve. Except, you’re not, really. Only long-time residents would actually know where this sign is located:

I have seen it several times now on various sites on the Internet, and each time I have to laugh because that “addendum” wasn’t always there. As bingo traffic increased, they must have started getting more and more curious visitors.


December 3, 2006

I went and saw TSO last night with a bunch of people. I feel sorry for the people who left after the first part of the show was over because they missed a bitchin’ second show. I have to say, actually, that I didn’t much care for the narrated first part. The second part just kicked so much more ass. It was far more representative of the TSO that I hear on 98 Rock than the sing-song tra-la-la songs of the first part. Then again, maybe the people that left early already knew about the split shows and purposely got the hell out of Dodge before the evil rock-’n-roll could corrupt their fragile little minds. Pussies.

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