More on Little Pedro

August 25, 2006

Gary Traynham has a column up where my former high school coach, Rob Rinaldi, talks about coaching Dustin, and his potential to shoot for the stars in the coming years. Reprinted here because the Daily Democrat’s articles disappear into the ether after several days.

A prime example
By GARY TRAYNHAM/Sports Editor

Rob Rinaldi remembers when Bret Pedroia’s little brother would tag along and participate in Woodland High School baseball practices.

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Yeah, little Pedro!

August 24, 2006

Congratulations to the Pedroia family, and especially to Dustin on being called up to the Bigs with the Boston RedSox. From some Rhode Island news site:

Rookie infielder Dustin Pedroia was in the starting lineup for the second straight day since joining the Red Sox, but at a different position.

Pedroia, who started at shortstop Tuesday night, replaced Mark Loretta at second base last night.

In his debut Tuesday night, the diminutive Pedroia stung the ball twice. In his first at-bat he was robbed of a two-run single on a leaping grab by shortstop Orlando Cabrera, who turned the bases-loaded, one-out smash into a rally-killing double play.

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Double Pork Chop Sandwich

August 22, 2006

From Pierre Foods:

A giant 8.40 oz. sandwich with two specially seasoned, breaded pork patties. Patties are shaped like real pork chops [WTF are they made out of?!?] and breading stays crunchy out of the microwave. All on the world’s greatest microwavable bun.

A frozen-food, vending machine delight. Take a look at its nutrition info.

I first saw one of these when I worked at VERITAS. They replaced the cafeteria crew with vending machines (BTW, this is sign #1 that your company is tanking, and that you should find new employment post-haste; it only gets worse after they liquidate the food people), and this was one of the choices. To my knowledge, nobody was ever brave enough to try one. Except maybe this guy.

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Thanks, Eoffs!

August 19, 2006

We had some brilliant turkey burgers, french fries, and wine last night at the Eoff’s house. Muchas gracias!


And, of course, I can’t forget to mention their new addition, Stella:


Congrats, guys!

Nearly 1 in 5 Chinese overweight or obese

August 18, 2006

From this article on MSNBC:

Nearly one in every five of China’s more than 1.3 billion people are overweight or obese and the problem is getting worse among children, especially boys, according to a study.

The study, to be published in the Aug. 19 issue of the British Medical Journal, found that 10 million children from the ages of 7 to 18 were overweight in 2000, up 28 times from 1985.

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Bruno Kirby passes away

August 15, 2006

Succumbs to leukemia.

So sad. He was brilliant as Young Clemenza, and totally endearing in both When Harry Met Sally and City Slickers. I think that portrait says it all - he was just the quintessential nice guy. RIP, Bruno.

Congrats, Alex and Jen!

August 14, 2006

Wish we could have been there. Looks like it was a beautiful day!


Faith Hill is hairy

August 13, 2006

I went with the inlaws last night to the Tim McGraw / Faith Hill “Soul2Soul II” concert at Arco Arena. Here are my observations:

  • Faith Hill has the bushiest head of hair I have ever seen. I wish I could have snapped a pic. It was awe inspiring. I’m still trying to shake the urge to lather up with Herbal Essences and moan like working girl.
  • The bartender in the Cantina on the top level of Arco (oh yes, our seats were THAT good) is the Coolest. Bartender. Evar. Ask him for a shot of Jager, and he gives you half a CUP of Jager. Brother-In-Law saw to it that I imbibed my fair share.
  • Coolest. Bartender. Evar. helped me to realize that I can no longer run with the big dogs, though at least I didn’t pull a Captain RedStar.
  • I need to listen to more country music. I only recognized like 3 songs all night.
  • Arco Arena really is an outdated piece of junk. I hope the bond measure passes this November.
  • Mother-In-Law is the Coolest. Mother-In-Law. Evar. for taking us out for a night on the town.

Regarding our seats, these tickets must have been in high demand, because I ordered them the day they went on sale, at the hour they went on sale, and we still got stuck up in the nosebleeds - one row down from the very top! That’s okay, though – the music sounds just as good up there as it does down on the floor.

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Death by spoon to those who developed this methodology

August 12, 2006

Link: Developing IIS Applications with Webclasses

Wow. Maybe it seemed like a good idea at the time, but what a horrible joke this is. Or maybe the fault lies with the 3rd-party company who wrote this software that I am now helping to maintain. Either way, there is no escaping the fact that my eyes are bleeding from trying to comprehend this monstrosity. “Spaghetti” doesn’t even begin to describe the crap that is going on here.

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Scott, Joan, and the kids

August 6, 2006

Yesterday I did something that I haven’t done in quite a while: just hang out in someone’s backyard all day and do nothing. We played wiffle ball, and we went into town to get root beer floats, but that was about the extent of our exploration. The rest of the time we just sat around and visited. I can’t tell you how nice that was.

Anyway, it was nice to see Scott, Joan, and the kids. I haven’t seen them since April or May 2005 when I was over in Virginia on business for IMA. They’re good people. I enjoy hanging out with them a lot.

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