California: Your Tax Dollars at Work

June 25, 2007

I just received this email from a coworker about a buddy of his who works for the state:

I have a friend who works for the state. He’s been trying to figure out a way he can play world of warcraft at his job, which he and several others were doing every day until the IT staff finally put in a firewall to stop users from playing the game (apparently lots of people just did it all day like him). He next tried to remote desktop and play the game from his home computer, but he found out the 3d graphics don’t work over remote desktop. Now he’s looking for another solution.

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The 4-minute feast

June 23, 2007

One thing I have gradually noticed since becoming a new dad is that it is extremely difficult to enjoy your meals. Prior to Troy being born, I could eat at a leisurely pace, and, providing I wasn’t shoveling for some reason, I could savor every bite.

Now, I shovel by default. It’s like eating has become a distraction that might keep me from leaping to Troy’s rescue, should he ever need my help. My objective now is not to savor the meal, but to finish it as quickly as possible so that I can focus on the little boy. Really, I guess I’m just trying to finish my hot food, uninterrupted, before the little tyke starts screaming and causes me to have to resume eating 1 hour later when the food is all cold and soggy.

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A couple of congratulatory remarks are in order

June 18, 2007

A friend from college, Pauly, and his wife Valerie just notified us that they are expecting their first child. Here’s to a healthy and happy pregnancy!

Also, I just received exciting news from another college friend, Sean. In addition to accepting a big promotion at his current job, he just became engaged to his long-time girlfriend Colleen.


It was a great day

June 17, 2007


Many thanks to my family for coming over to celebrate. Little Man got me a new 22.5" Weber One Touch Silver charcoal grill (how did he know???), and we used it to ‘cue up some juicy cheeseburgers. Coupled with the various side dishes and ice cream brought by the guests, we had an awesome early summer BBQ.

I couldn’t have asked for a better day.

Gawd, I need a drink...

June 15, 2007


2015-11-04: Exhibit A of how NOT to safely use a Bumbo.

Troy vs. Babar: Week 13

June 15, 2007

Week 13

Congrats, Matt!

June 11, 2007

Congratulations to my buddy Matt, his wife Heather, and their entire family on the birth of Matt and Heather’s baby daughter Delaney!


June 11, 2007

So I spent the past weekend in Vegas at my buddy Dan’s bachelor party.

It was fun.

The end.

(Congrats, Dan! Can’t wait for the wedding.)

Edit: Much like my high school reunion, seeing most of these guys in Vegas was like a time warp. I hadn’t seen the groom-to-be, Dan, in almost 3 years. Similarly, I have seen the other guys only sparingly since we graduated – like, maybe once per year. But after the initial “Oh, hey, what are you doing now?” chit chat, it was just like being back in college, hanging around the house, or being in a chapter meeting, shooting the shit. The only difference I noticed was that we can now afford NOT to pack 15 smelly dudes into one hotel room. That’s one change I am overwhelmingly happy to embrace.

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Toyota: 1, Pigeon: dead

June 7, 2007

So I’m barreling down Industrial Way at 327 50 MPH last night when I see two pigeons camped out in the middle of my lane.

“Oh, no problem,” I thought to myself. “They have plenty of time to get up and fly away.”

I get closer. No movement.

I get closer still. Bird #1 makes like he’s going to start thinking about moving. Bird #2 doesn’t budge.

Closer and closer. Bird #1 gets the hell out of Dodge before he has a Toyota emblem tattooed on his forehead. Bird #2 continues to scratch his ass crack.

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It looks good on you, though!

June 6, 2007


Too bad the picture turned out so blurry. That’s an actual outfit on display at Macy’s in Roseville. Ugly-ass plaid shorts, paired with a green polo with yellow and blue stripes.

Seriously? Macy’s? Are you guys even trying anymore?

As Happy Gilmore said, if I saw myself in clothes like those, I’d have to kick my own ass.