Food. Good.
I just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone who brought us dinners over the past week. I have seen it done in the past for friends and coworkers who’d just had a new baby, but until you’re the couple actually trying to figure out this little gizmo they call a “child”, you don’t realize how nice it is to not have to worry about preparing meals for yourselves.
Lesson learned
When changing a newborn baby boy’s diaper, always cover his little wang with a washcloth or some other type of absorbent material.
On a related note, just because said newborn baby boy pees all over the changing table, the blinds, and himself, doesn’t mean he’s done peeing. Never underestimate his ability to reload and resume firing away.
Guess who finally showed up to his own birthday party?
That’s right: Troy Steven Sagara
9:22 am
8 lbs., 6 oz.
20 inches long
Mom is tired and recovering well. She had some nasty back labor, but overall, it was a very quick labor: 7 hours.
Baby Troy, by all appearances, is happy and healthy. 10 fingers, 10 toes, and 2 nipples. Can’t ask for any more than that!
A special thanks goes out to Christi White. The birthing process is a lot less scary when one of your wife’s closest friends is an OB nurse, and she’s with you throughout the entire ordeal. Christi, you made the whole experience much easier to cope with than it would have been without your help. So, thank you.
Oh baby, oh baby, oh baby!
No baby.
So, instead of fawning over cute baby pictures that have yet to be taken, take a gander at this oddity instead: