
November 16, 2006


So I was running a little late this morning. I have to be at work by 9am, and I was just putting Homer in his pen at 8:40. It takes me 20-25 minutes to get to work, depending on traffic.

As I locked the gate, I noticed that his water bowl was turned over and, thus, empty. I didn’t want my poor little pup to be dehydrated today, so I grabbed the bowl and filled it with delicious, crisp, and refreshing garden hose water. After unlocking the gate, I bent down to put the water bowl in its place. And that’s when the opportunistic prick decided to make the next 10 minutes a track meet.

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You want me to do what?

November 11, 2006

I went to a mid-pregnancy education class with Kelly yesterday. Kaiser puts these on for free for its members, so I was surprised that there were only four other women in the room.

The instructor was a short, fireball of a woman with a slight Filipino accent. Her name was Beth, and her employee identification badge said, “Health Educator.” She was very funny. At one point, she was describing how some pregnant women sleep using a donut-like full body pillow. One of the other women in the room was confused as to how the mechanics of using such a device worked. Beth stuck out her arms, spread her legs apart to just a bit wider than shoulder width, hunched over her back and, in a Triumph the Insult Comic Dog voice, she said, “You know, like if you’re sitting in a flotation device.” It was all I could do not to laugh.

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Big Gulps, huh, guys?

November 10, 2006

I was walking through the break room during lunch on my way to get a soda. There was a man standing at a table in the middle of the room with sliced bread, cold cuts, and various condiments spread out before him. Even someone with ramen noodles filling their brain cavity would have been able to tell that this man was actively engaged in making a sandwich.

As I completed my carbonated transaction, a blonde woman – dyed blonde, no less – walked into the room and inquired of Sandwich Boy:

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Another electoral loser

November 8, 2006

Remember my earlier post about election candidates who died prior to their election, yet still won anyway? Well, it has happened again:

PIERRE, S.D. - A woman who died two months ago won a county commissioner’s race in Jerauld County on Tuesday.

Democrat Marie Steichen, of Woonsocket, got 100 votes, defeating incumbent Republican Merlin Feistner, of Woonsocket, who had 64 votes. […]

Peterson said voters knew Steichen had died.

“They just had a chance to make a change, and we respect their opinion.”

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Faith Hill is a sore loser

November 7, 2006

Faith Hill was surprised - nay, shocked and in utter disbelief - to hear a name other than her own called when they announced the CMA award for Female Vocalist of the Year. I wish I was at home so I could post some pictures, but this news article will have to do for right now.

Get over it, Faith. You lobbed in a softball this year, as far as I’m concerned. “Rock hard bodies and buh-kini hotties”? How lame. Carrie Underwood is very deserving of the award, and given your sense of entitlement, I’m thrilled that she got it.

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List of abandoned amusement parks

November 6, 2006

You never know what you’re going to find on Wikipedia. Who knew that they would have a List of abandoned amusement parks?

Pretty cool, if you ask me, especially since I’m a big fan of ghost towns.

Bye-bye, Kings

November 6, 2006

From an interview with Kings co-owner Joe Maloof in today’s Sacramento Bee:

Question: Yet you still seem committed to the market?

Answer: We are, we are. But it all comes down to a facility, and in small markets like Sacramento, that means there has to be a public/private deal. Arco is the second-oldest building in the league. It doesn’t work anymore, not if you want to stay competitive. So if we look at 2008, something has to get done. Someone has to bring us a project. And do people still want us here? We don’t want to be anywhere people don’t want us. We just can’t keep stringing along. We have to get something done.

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Oh, how I love thee

November 4, 2006

Let me count the ways:

  1. You’re eggy
  2. You’re ricey
  3. You’re tasty
  4. You’re spicy
  5. You’re crunchy
  6. You’re veggie
  7. You’re great for the munchies

Really, what more could you ask for in a meal? 3B, you rock my world.

(A free virtual ChocoTaco to the first person who can guess what I had for dinner.)

Need a unique gift idea for the holidays?

November 3, 2006

(Disclosure: I am not affiliated with AAD, nor will I receive any compensation for this message.)

I just received an email from my buddy Sean about a business his mom recently started. She imports various doodads from South Africa, where she lived for 30 years.

Here’s the store URL: Absolutely Africa Designs

Looks like they have some pretty cool stuff. The sushiware, in particular, looks pretty rad. Here’s what Sean had to say about his mom’s new business:

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Some Windows Vista licensing restrictions removed

November 2, 2006

It looks some of the powers-that-be at Microsoft pulled their heads out of their deep, dark, unmentionable places and loosened the restrictions on Windows Vista device transfers.

Old version:

The first user of the software may reassign the license to another device one time. If you reassign the license, that other device becomes the ’licensed device.'

New version:

You may install one copy of the software on the licensed device. You may use the software on up to two processors on that device at one time. Except as provided in the Storage and Network Use (Ultimate edition) sections below, you may not use the software on any other device.

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